By Kevin Gao
Kevin Gao, Eric Che, Daniel Lim, Nate Latif, Trevor Smith (left to right) - 2018 President’s Volunteer Service Award medalists
EqOpTech volunteers receiving 2018 President's Volunteer Service Award - produced by Cedric Chan
The President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes, celebrates and holds up as role models Americans making a positive impact as engaged and deeply committed volunteers. EqOpTech, a PVSA certifying organization, shares a similar vision to empower and enable student volunteers with a platform to gain real-world experience and leadership skills and inspires them to give back to the community.
On March 3, 2019, EqOpTech is proud to celebrate volunteerism recognizing students from Saratoga High School and Los Altos High School for their service and commitment to the underserved community in the area of technology and education. We applaud their 2018 community service projects to level the playing field in education via technology.
Congratulations To EqOpTech's 2018 PVSA award winners. We are honored to award the following well-deserving students with the official PVSA medallion, personalized certificate of achievement together with a congratulatory letter from President of United States.
Nate Latif, Bronze Award, Los Altos High School
Trevor Smith, Gold Award, Los Altos High School
Eric Che, Gold Award, Saratoga High School
Daniel Lim, Gold Award, Los Altos High School
Kevin Gao, Gold Award, Los Altos High School
"Thanks to EqOpTech for sponsoring this award and providing us this opportunity," said Kevin Gao, EqOpTech President. "We all know how important this is not only to our college applications, but also for being able to recognize the best of the American spirit and inspire everyone to live a life of community service through presidential gratitude and national recognition. Special thanks to EqOpTech’s board, Hing Lee and Lucy Lee for their guidance and support. I also want to thank everyone here for working so hard to refurbish laptops and coming up with creative solutions to improve the refurbishing results in the process of earning this award.”
A special thank you to Cedric Chan, our new intern for producing the 2018 PVSA ceremony iMovie.
Going forward, let's work together to make EqOpTech bigger, better and greater.
The President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes, celebrates and holds up as role models Americans making a positive impact as engaged and deeply committed volunteers. In 2003, the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation launched the President's Volunteer Service Award to recognize the importance of volunteers to America's strength and national identity, and furthermore, to honor the deeply invested volunteers whose service is multiplied through the inspiration they give others.
The President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes United States citizens and lawfully admitted, permanent residents of the United States who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime. To learn more about the President's Volunteer Service Award, visit
About EqOpTech
EqOpTech Inc., located in Los Altos, CA, is a 501(c)(3) IRS-designated tax exempt nonprofit organization that promotes and enables equal opportunity free access to technology for computer learning and STEM education in under-served communities. Visit EqOpTech at
Our Equal Opportunity Technology program is made possible thanks to Los Altos Community Foundation community grant award. Visit here for more information.